Ransom Family

Random Ramblings and Happenings

TOFW + Bike + Urgent Care

From that title, you could assume that the bike riding caused the visit to urgent care, but if you assumed that, you’re wrong…. I’ll revisit that later.  All is well now.
Olivia did her science fair project ALL BY HERSELF.  I’m so not a helicopter mom… She came up with the idea, wrote out her idea and had it approved by her teacher, asked me to pick up a few supplies at the store, did the project, typed up papers to explain it, and put it all together.  To be very honest, I didn’t even read it… (lazy or busy, you decide).  She did just fine on her own, which is what should happen when kids are in fifth grade.
Elizabeth has been busy a lot of days after school and Saturdays hanging out with her Destination Imagination Group preparing for a competition.  They were supposed to build a ‘vehicle’ that would take one of their team members across a certain distance and have a presentation.  Andy went to watch their family performance the week before the real deal (I was working.)  Video here.
We FINALLY had our piano tuned.  I’m pretty sure it had been over 20 years… We’ve had it for nearly 12 years and my parents had it before us for quite a while.  My Great Grandma bought it new for $350.00 in the ’20’s or ’30’s when she was a widow raising four children.
Let’s get to the urgent care fun (yeah, not really fun…)  It was Abby.  We were at a neighbor’s house Friday night visiting for a few minutes and she was playing with her hen and chicks plant and rubbed some of the white insides on her face, I guess.  Saturday morning she woke up with a red rash flush on her face (but not her forehead or neck or anywhere else), so I gave her some Benadryl and hoped she’d get back to normal, but she wasn’t.  There was a blister just under her left eye too.  I sent this picture to a friend who works in our local ER and asked what to do (trying to avoid having to take her anywhere…the last visit we had at the hospital with her was 10 grand, so we’d like to avoid that… lousy small business insurance!)
She told us to give her Benadryl and if it didn’t get better to go to Urgent Care.  I decided I’d better take her in after lunch (and before I headed to work).  They concurred that it was a plant reaction (although the plant itself is nontoxic, they can cause a reaction).  They gave us a prescription for a steroid, some Ibuprofen, and some Benadryl and said if it didn’t get better by the next day to come in again.  Luckily, it worked very quickly, so it was pretty clear that’s what was causing the reaction.  When she woke up after I got home from work, she was already looking much better.
Friday night Abby wanted to rollerblade while Vincent tried to learn how to ride his bike.  He was SUPER frustrated that night and was yelling at himself that he couldn’t do it without training wheels and still wouldn’t give up.  I finally talked him into putting his bike away and coming inside (like before the neighbors thought it was some kind of domestic issue and called the police…yea, he was yelling loud.)  Saturday he just hopped right on and figured it out.  (This picture is just before Abby played in the plant across the street.)
This weekend was much more fun for me!  I was able to go to Time Out For Women in Spokane with my mom and sister in law (and her two sisters).
It was a lot of fun and great talks and music were shared.  My favorite quote of the first night at TOFW was the scripture “And this too shall pass” followed by the fine print… “like a kidney stone.”  Saturday was great too!  Favorite quote of Saturday was,”When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.”
My cup was filled and it was great to have a little retreat and good faith builder.
We were invited to participate in a Connections project that TOFW picks to do each year.  This year they decided to make flash cards for refugee women so they can learn English.  We colored during a few talks, sharing the set between six of us on our row and finished them up.  It was a lot of fun to color, I thought.  The cards will go to refugee women in Spokane.  Altogether we finished 160 sets of flash cards this weekend!
Sunday night we went over to Ransom’s to have birthday cake for the March birthdays in the family.  Andy’s parents are only a few days apart, three niece’s have birthdays, and Andy’s is this week!
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