Ransom Family

Random Ramblings and Happenings

October 2017

Carryover from September:
Andy was called to be our Elder’s Quorum President at church the end of September. Here he is with his two counselors.  They are figuring out how everything works (and no, they aren’t releasing me yet from Primary President.)
I helped a few awesome ladies with the Jog-a-thon at Jason Lee this year.  I didn’t do tons, but I did enough that they weren’t quite so stressed out about it. ;)
It’s always fun to be there to cheer them on during the run.
Abby started gymnastics the beginning of October with a lady in our ward who is an experienced gymnast and gymnastics coach.  She went to sign her daughter up for gymnastics when school started and couldn’t find any with availability, so she started her own in her basement.  She ordered all the pads and other equipment once she had enough interest.  Abby goes over there for an hour a week with several other kids and I believe there are four or five classes during the week.  This has turned into a fun side job for her. Little Gems Gymnastics
I probably don’t need to tell you that this kind of thing is right up Abby’s alley.  She’s loving it.  It’s just long enough after school for Abby to walk home with Vincent and change clothes and eat an apple before going there.  Abby says that apples make her strong.
Abby’s grade had their annual First Grade Hoedown.  They learned a few songs and dances and then chose a family member to join them for one of the dances.  Then there are haystack cookies (melted butterscotch chips mixed with chow mien noodles-tastes better than it sounds) and apple juice.  She colored one of the scarecrows to decorate the school too.
All of my kids have now had a First Grade Hoedown at Jason Lee.  The music hasn’t changed and neither have the crafts or snacks, but it’s always fun (and done in about 45 minutes).  Pictures of all the kids at their hoedowns.
I have been following a friend’s photography blog since she started it and happened to win a family session for pictures.  We finally took them in September, which is okay with me because then they can be holiday pictures.
She did a great job.  This one seemed to be a Facebook Favorite.  I think I’m going to print it for the living room wall.
Love this picture of the kids.
And another family shot.  I kind of like this one because I’m taller than Elizabeth in it.
A little collage I made of my favorite photos Jessica Howard Photography took.
I helped with school individual pictures this year.  After all of the kids had their own picture taken, the whole school gathered outside for a picture of everyone taken from the photographer on the roof of the school. (This one is just from my junky camera).
Olivia finished up 7th Grade A team Volleyball early in the month.  She worked hard and learned a lot.
Olivia had her first choir concert in the middle of the month. They actually have two seventh grade classes that combined for this choir.  There was also a sixth grade choir, eighth grade choir, and special treble choir composed of eighth graders who have to try out for it.
The Open House was later this year, but great.  It lined up with the Book Fair night and the school’s trick or treating.  Students were invited to dress up.  We hadn’t figured out their real costumes yet, so they raided the costume box.  I love the self portraits they draw of themselves.
Abby and Vincent have been excellent leaf rakers.  But now the leaves are pretty much all down and were rained on, so no more playing in them.  Now we’ll just have to clean them up and toss them into our yard garbage can.
There was a Stake Youth Dance for Halloween.  Our neighbor joined the girls for it.  They all had a wonderful time.
Olivia made her own gumball machine costume.
Elizabeth made her own costume.  She is Impa from a Zelda video game.
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Abby raking away after school.  She may have earned some coins for taking care of the leaves this day without being asked and without complaint.
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The Saturday before Halloween one of the local shopping areas in town had a community fall festival and then trick or treating around the stores. Andy had Stake Conference Priesthood Meetings, but Nathan came to hang out with us. (Elizabeth stayed home.  She doesn’t like crowds or waiting much.)
There were a lot of places where princesses were ready for a picture along the path.  Abby wanted pictures with all of them.
They had some free pumpkins at the festival, but they were gone before we were done, so we headed to our local Winco to pick our pumpkins for the year.  Best prices and so easy!
Vincent is Boba Fett and Abby is an Ice Queen (not Elsa-she says). We found their costumes at my favorite thrift store for $5 each.
We carved pumpkins the night before Halloween.
Elizabeth made a helmet to go with Vincent’s costume out of cardboard and tape the night before Halloween and I painted it.  Andy touched up a few spots that weren’t quite right.  It looks pretty good with his costume.
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Andy had to go out of town for work on Halloween, so I took the three younger kids to the Uptown Shopping Center right after school (picked up Vincent and Abby with costumes ready in the car).  Nathan met up with us there too and then loaded them up with candy since he doesn’t get trick or treaters at his apartment.  While Elizabeth was home, she finished up the soup I made in the crockpot and started the bread dough.  We ate just a little bit after we got home and then we went over to Kennewick to visit Andy’s Grandma Ellen and Paul.  We met Grandpa George and Grandma Shirley at Grandma Ellen’s house and had a nice visit.  Then we went and visited Andy’s old boss Sam at his house and then came back home to let Elizabeth pass out candy to our trick or treaters and we went around our own neighborhood with a girl from our ward.  We got home just before 9pm and the kids didn’t get much candy to eat until the days after Halloween.  It was a lot of fun!
Before Andy left on his trip, he replaced the light in the bathroom and blew out the sprinklers.  This light is brighter than it looks.  I like that it’s so easy to clean.
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Very busy October with all of those activities, plus church and work and regular school stuff.  (Still loving my new job at Fountain Books!) It was a really fun and enjoyable month! Onto November’s Primary Program and planning the Ward Christmas Party and THANKSGIVING!
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